Digital Humanities Summer Institute (DHSI)
A Place for Open Digital Scholarship

DHSI 2024: 3–7 June (Week 1) | 10–14 June (Week 2)

DHSI 2025 will take place in Montréal!!! Watch this space for details, coming soon. See you there : )

Week 1: On Campus Aligned Conferences & Events

For Week 2 Online Aligned Conferences & Events, click here.

DHSI is made up of several affiliated events, all with a different digital humanities focus in mind. The following conferences and events will all take place during the on campus portion of DHSI 2023.

Historic Computing Lab Open House

Event Chair: John Durno (UVic Libraries)

12:00pm – 1:00pm PDT Tuesday, 6 June

Visit the Historic Computing Lab at the University of Victoria Libraries to get hands on with our collection of historic computers. A variety of computing systems from the 1980s and 90s are available, including early personal computers by Apple, IBM, Commodore, Atari, NeXT, and more! The Open House will also feature a demo of an innovative Canadian personal computer called a NABU, a “cloud-based” computer from 1983. If you are not able to attend the Open House but would still like to visit the lab, please contact John Durno to arrange an alternate time to visit.

Conference chair: Caroline Winter (UVic)

This conference takes place throughout both the on campus and online week of DHSI. Please see the dates below.

On Campus
4:00pm – 5:00 pm PDT Tuesday, 6 June and Thursday, 8 June

10:00am – 12:00 pm PDT Tuesday, 13 June and Friday, 16 June

Since 2009, the DHSI Conference & Colloquium has been a valued part of the annual Digital Humanities Summer Institute. It offers an opportunity to present diverse, dynamic digital humanities research and projects within an engaging, collegial audience that actively fosters the ethos of the greater DHSI community.

For DHSI 2023, we are holding this event in a hybrid format, with in-person panels during the first week of DHSI (June 5–9) and virtual panels during the second week (June 12–16).  

Please click for the DHSI Conference and Colloquium Call for Papers

Proposals are now being accepted for presentations at the Digital Humanities Summer Institute (DHSI) 2023 Conference & Colloquium.

Presentations may focus on any topic relating to the digital humanities. Submissions are welcome from all members of the digital humanities community, including faculty, graduate students, undergraduates, early career scholars, independent researchers, librarians and other members of the GLAM community, alt-academics, academic professionals, those in technical programs, and those new to the digital humanities.

The Conference & Colloquium is a relatively informal, collegial venue for sharing work and ideas, and we encourage presenters to think beyond the traditional conference paper format for their presentations and to invite feedback and engagement from the DHSI community.

This year, we are holding this event in a hybrid format, with in-person sessions during the first, in-person week of DHSI (June 5–9) and virtual sessions during the second, online week (June 12–16).

Submissions are welcome in three formats:

Conference Presentations

Presentations should be 10–15 minutes long and will be organized into themed sessions. This format is well suited to presenting research findings, in-depth argumentative papers, or reports on completed research.

Colloquium Lightning Talks

Lightning talks should be up to 5 minutes long and will be organized into themed sessions. This format is well suited to demonstrations of new tools, reporting on in-progress research, announcing new projects and tools, and brief, tightly focused argumentative papers.


Digital posters will be showcased throughout DHSI in an online exhibit, with an in-person digital poster exhibit for presenters joining us in person. This format is well suited for summarizing research results, showcasing tools and techniques, and sparking further discussion. Multimedia and interactive posters are welcome and encouraged.

Please submit proposals through this online submission form.

The submission form asks for

  • the title of the presentation or poster
  • whether you would prefer to present your work in-person or online
  • the names and emails of all contributors
  • a 200–250-word abstract
  • a list of 5 keywords describing the presentation or poster

If you are not able to submit your abstract through the form, please email the information listed above to

The deadline for submissions is 10 February, 2023.

After the event, we will invite presenters to contribute papers to a special issue of Interdisciplinary Digital Engagements in Arts & Humanities (IDEAH), a peer-reviewed, online, open-access journal founded to showcase the innovative, engaging scholarship shared annually at DHSI.

For more information, contact the DHSI Conference & Colloquium Chair, Caroline Winter (

Event chair: Graham Jensen (UVic)

4:00pm – 5:00 pm PDT Wednesday, 7 June

Building Digital Communities in the Humanities and Social Sciences provides academic researchers, information professionals, administrators, students, and members of the interested public with the opportunity to explore how digital research commons can transform scholarly communication, publication, and collaboration.

Featured speakers will discuss related issues, such as how digital research commons—and research infrastructure more generally—can help advance open, social scholarship in ways that speak to the needs of our communities.

Participants will also gain hands-on experience and training on the not-for-profit, academic-run Canadian Humanities and Social Sciences Commons ( This digital research commons is a hub for open social scholarship, combining elements of social network sites, tools and platforms for collaboration, and institutional repositories to serve the linguistically, geographically, and culturally diverse community of HSS researchers in Canada and beyond.

#GraphPoem (virtual)


Event chair: Chris Tanasescu (U Oberta de Catalunya and UCLouvain)

12:00pm – 2:00pm PDT Friday, 9 June

All those connected to DHSI and its 2023 edition are invited to be part of the virtual EPoetry event #GraphPoem by MARGENTO by contributing text files or weblinks to a collectively assembled dataset and/or run a script plotting the latter into a real-time evolving network.

The Graph Poem is an ongoing transnational project combining natural language processing and graph theory-based approaches to poetry, with academicDH-literary, and performative outputs.

When DHSI registration opens, participants will be able to sign up for GraphPoem and will receive an account giving them access to the data and the code.

#GraphPoem will have two main components viewable to anybody accessing the following online venues at the time of the event: a livestreamed performance on Margento’s Facebook page and the bot @GraphPoem tweeting text-nodes selected from the evolving graph by a network analysis algorithm and fed into the performance.

Many thanks to all participants. The event has been recorded and can be viewed at