Previous DHSI Institute Lectures

For the most recent institute lectures, please see the Institute Lectures page.


Making Space for Affect, Co-Creation, and Care in Digital Humanities Pedagogy
Andie Silva (CUNY)

Teaching with Empathy in Physical, Hybrid, and Virtual Spaces
Chris Friend (Kean U)

Is there Something Like Open Digital Humanities?
Gimena de Rio Riande (Instituto de Investigaciones Bibliográficas y Crítica Textual; U Buenos Aires)

Alan, Ada, Puma: Why are the Digital Humanities So Straight?
Edmond Chang (Ohio U)

Playing an Imitation Game with Apple’s Siri: E.Q., I.Q., and the Gendered Design of Artificial and Automated Intelligence
Lai-Tze Fan (U Waterloo)


The People and the Text, Neglected Indigenous Works, and the Anxieties and Ethics Around Making Indigenous Content Public
Deanna Reder (Simon Fraser U)

Is Open Scholarship Possible without Open Infrastructure?
Leslie Chan (UTSC)

On the Responsibility to Implement the Perspective of the People in Focus of (Digital) Projects
Nastasia Herold (U Leipzig) and Thérèse Ottawa (Atikamekw First Nation)

Making Room: How the Book Materially Changed to Accommodate the Digital
Élika Ortega Guzman (U Colorado, Boulder)

Community Engaged Research at a Distance
Rachel Hendery (Western Sydney U)


Insurgent Pasts, Resurgent Futures: A New Genealogy of Digital Humanities
Roopika Risam (Salem State U)

Listening to Emerging Voices in Digital Humanities in Arab Countries
David Wrisley (NYU Abu Dhabi)

Graceful Degradation in Collaborative Relationships
Quinn Dombrowski (Stanford U) and Erica Cavanaugh (U Virginia)

More Data, Less Process: A User-Centered Approach to Email and Born-Digital Archives
Lise Jaillant (Loughborough U)

Human Exploits: Cybersecurity and the Humanities
Aaron Mauro (Brock U)

What does “Data” Mean in the Humanities?
Miriam Posner (UCLA)

Managing the Digital Backlist: Sustaining: Preserving, and Deleting Old Projects
Jessica Otis (George Mason U)

Digital Homes: Technology and Sexuality in the Indiaspora
Rahul Gairola (Murdoch U)

Network + Publication + Ecosystem: Curating Digital Pedagogy, Fostering Community
Katherine D. Harris (San José State U), Rebecca Frost Davis (St. Edward’s U), and Matt Gold (CUNY)

Digital Humanities: A Driver of Conceptual Change in the Humanities
Elisabeth Burr (U Leipzig)


No institute lectures were held in 2020.


Sex and Numbers: Pleasure, Reproduction, and Digital Biopower
Jacqueline Wernimont (Dartmouth C)

Thinking Through DH: Proposals for Digital Humanities Pedagogy
Matt Gold (CUNY Graduate Center and Association for Computers and the Humanities)

3D Mapping and Forensic Traces of Testimony: Documenting Apartheid-Era Crimes Through the Digital Humanities
Ángel David Nieves (San Diego State U)

The Riddle of Literary Quality: Some Answers
Karina van Dalen-Oskam (Huygens Institute and U Amsterdam; Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations)


Reconstitute the World: Machine-reading Archives of Mass Extinction
Bethany Nowviskie (DLF and U Virginia)

Indigeneity, Conceptualism, and the Borders of DH
Jordan Abel (Simon Fraser U)

A Landless Territory?: CyberPowWow and the Politics of Indigenous New Media
David Gaertner (U British Columbia)

Discovery, Collaboration, and Dissemination: Lessons Learned and Plans for the Future
William R Bowen (U Toronto Scarborough)


The Mind-Book Problem
Robert Bringhurst

Cultures of Reception: Readership and Discontinuity in the History of Women’s Writing
Julia Flanders (Northeastern U)

Emoji Dick, Prequels and Sequels
Lisa Gitelman (NYU)

A Conversation with Brewster Kahle, moderated by Jo-Ann Roberts
Brewster Kahle (Internet Archive), Jo-Ann Roberts (CBC)

The Disciplinary Impact of the Digital: DH and ‘The Others’
Elena Pierazzo (U Grenoble Alpes)


Grass Roots and Ivory Towers: Building communities and inspiring participation in the Digital Humanities
James Cummings (Oxford U)

Digital Futures: Long-term Planning for your Project
Laura Estill (Texas A&M U)

Prototyping Resistance: Wargame Narrative and Inclusive Feminist Discourse
Jon Saklofske (Acadia U)


Courses, Communities, and Collaboration: Learning in The Digital Humanities
Constance Crompton (UBC Okanagan)

Computers and Literary Studies: Doing DH in One Corner of the Big Tent
David Hoover (NYU)

Ethical Aspects of Digital Humanities
Malte Rehbein (U Passau)

The End of the Beginning: Building, Supporting, and Sustaining Digital Humanities Institutions
Claire Warwick (U Durham)


DH as Fan Practice: Remix, Re-use, Re-Write
Aimée Morrison (U Waterloo)

The (Digital) Library of Babel: Digital Humanities at Scale
Alex Gil (Columbia U)

Building Digital Humanities Communities
Paul Arthur (U Western Sydney)


The First Five Kilobytes are the Hardest
George Dyson

Hopeful Monsters: Design Fiction and the Digital Humanities
Kari Kraus (U Maryland)


Does it Work?: Where Theory and Technology Collide
Laura Mandel (Texas A&M)

Feeding our Reading Machines
Adriaan van der Weel (Leiden U)


Digital Humanities Archive Fever
Matthew Kirschenbaum (MITH)


What do scholars want? Of Collaboratories, Gender, and DH Evangelism
Susan Brown (U Guelph/U Alberta)

Voyeur: Seeing What You Get (and Writing About It Too)
Stéfan Sinclair (McMaster)

The State of Digital Humanities
John Unsworth (UIUC)

Convergences: Libraries, Centers, and Scholarship
Kay Walter (CDRH, U Nebraska-Lincoln)


Brave New Digital Language Classroom
Robert Blake (UC Davis)

How to Win Friends
Donald Bruce (Guelph)

What the TEI is made of
Daniel O’Donnell (Lethbridge)

The Text Image Linking Environment
Dot Porter (Dublin, DHO)

The Issue With Images
Melissa Terras (UCL)


Peopling the Police: A Social Computing Approach to Information Authority in the Age of Web 2.0
Alan Liu (U California Santa Barbara)

The Atlantic Portal: a Collaborative Achievement
Margaret Conrad (U New Brunswick) (with Lisa Charlong and Jennifer Whitney)

The World’s Columbian Exposition: a Real-Time Visual Simulation Model Currently Under Construction by the Urban Simulation Team at UCLA
Lisa Snyder (UCLA)

Synergies: the Changing Face of Digital Humanities in Canada
Michael Eberle-Sinatra (U Montréal)

Tools Across the Lifecycle of Research: Reflections on an Experiment
Geoffrey Rockwell (McMaster)


Chad Gaffield (U Ottawa, SSHRC)

Word types, word tokens, and the language of Shakespearean drama
Hugh Craig (U Newcastle, NSW)

Everything but the smell: toward a more artefactual digital philology
Matthew Driscoll (Arnamagnaean Institute, Copenhagen)

What is Text Analysis and Why are They Saying Such Wonderful Things about It?
David Hoover (New York U)

Builder Iter: Gateway to the Middle Ages and Renaissance
Bill Bowen (U Toronto)

Presence, Flux and Trace. Three Modalities of Representation in Cyberspace
Bertrand Gervais (UQAM)

Why is there is no poetry on the Web? A look at the incompatible differences between written and digital media
Ollivier Dyens (Concordia U)


Teresa Dobson (U British Columbia)

Mutable Sculpture: Intersections of Physical and Virtual Space
Edrex Fontanilla (Brown U)

Dominic Forest (UQAM)

Alan Galey (Western U)

The Dreamweaver Paradox
David Gants (U New Brunswick)

Sheila Petty (Regina U)

Christian Vandendorpe (U Ottawa)


David Hoover (NYU)

Lorna Hughes (King’s College London)

Willard McCarty (King’s College London)

Electronic Text Browsing Interfaces
Stan Ruecker (U Alberta)

John Unsworth (U Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)

Claire Warwick


Adrift in a Sea of Information
William Bowen (U Toronto Scarborough)

The World of the TEI, the TEI in the World
Julia Flanders (Brown U)

Ian Lancashire (U Toronto)

Aimée Morrison, Stan Ruecker (U Alberta)

Open Texts, Open Code and Open Research: Developing an Open Text Analysis System Through TAPoR
Geoffrey Rockwell (McMaster U)

Text Analysis
Stéfan Sinclair

The Public Knowledge Project
John Willinsky

Robotic Poetics
William Winder (U British Columbia)


Peter Liddell (U Victoria)

Susan Schreibman (U Maryland)

Andrew Mactavish (McMaster U)

Stéfan Sinclair (U Alberta)


Patrick Finn (Mt Royal C)

Elizabeth Grove-White (U Victoria)

William Winder (U British Columbia)


Towards a Curriculum for Humanities Computing: Theoretical Goals and Practical Outcomes
Susan Hockey (University College London)

Nancy Ide (Vassar C)

Willard McCarty (Kings College London)

John Unsworth (U Virginia)